Communicating with animals, animal communication, talking to animals, Animal Communicator Portland, PDX pet psychicBeing "out of the closet" as an animal communicator makes for some interesting interactions with humans. It's always entertaining to me when my riding instructor attributes any good riding I do to my animal communication abilities, and will look at me puzzled when it's not going so well, like my antenna must be off or something. Her puzzled look is of course mainly as a joke, but I do run into similar misconceptions as an animal communicator: 1. That I am in constant conversation with any and every animal around me. 2. That because I can talk to them, they will do whatever I tell them to. When I tell people that I am an animal communicator, I think Dr. Dolittle springs to mind for most people. Unlike Dr. Dolittle, I am not in constant conversation with any and all animals around me (just like I am not connecting with everyone's dead relatives when I am going about my day). In fact, I pretty much never initiate a conversation with an animal unless their human companion has asked me to, except when I do it simply for practical reasons or for my own pleasure of talking (usually just to tell them how beautiful they are, and please can I pet them). (I have to admit though, that when I am riding I do try to communicate with the horse, and listen to him if he tells me I'm doing something wrong or confusing. So I guess in that way, it's helpful. However, I can't say the horse always listens to me). Animals also aren't usually walking around telepathically broadcasting their thoughts to strangers, like they do in Doctor Dolittle. Animals tend to be centered and present and still, unless they have a reason to communicate with someone. In addition, just because I can talk to an animal, and hear them, does not mean that they will necessarily do what I or their human companion wants them to. It really is like talking with humans: Just because I can understand you, and you understand me, does not mean you will do what I tell you to. Animals are all unique individuals, with their own personalities, desires, and needs. An Animal Communication session is really about understanding why an animal does a certain thing, and then working together to find some suitable alternatives or ways to approach it to shift the situation, in a way that honors all participants. An animal does a behavior because it meets a certain need in them. If that need isn't met in a different way, they will usually continue that behavior. Sometimes behaviors are deeply rooted in anxiety or fear, which usually goes deeper than any kind of logical thinking on anyone's part. They might need something else in addition to a communication session, to support them and help them shift into a different state of mind. This is why I sometimes will recommend certain kinds of training or therapies for animals in a session, if I don't feel like they will respond to just our conversation about it. That being said, animals do understand us when we talk to them, and often even if you're talking to them out loud. I have had animals reference specific conversations their human has had with them, in order to prove that they do understand. When you're talking out loud to your animal companion, you are also sending them the energy of what you want to communicate. The more intentionally you do this, the stronger it is sent, and the clearer it is. Where we sometimes trip ourselves up is when what we intend to communicate doesn't quite match up with what we're saying. Miscommunication happens, in particular around behavioral challenges. We want the animal to stop doing something so we tell them "Don't ____", and when we do that we're sending them an image or the energy of them doing the thing we don't want them to do. It's like asking someone to not think of an elephant: they're going to think of an elephant. It becomes very confusing, and sends mixed messages. Usually, you would want to focus only on the thing you want them to do. Instead of saying "don't scratch on the furniture", you want to say "scratch only on the cat tree and scratching posts". You can even add in why, for example that we want to keep our furniture to last as long as possible, and we'd love to let them scratch, but only on the things that are made to tolerate it, like the scratching posts. Then of course, you would want to place the scratching posts close to where they have been scratching already, in order to fulfill that need in them. I've encountered a lot of animals who do a certain behavior because they think they're supposed to. This happens all the time, because many of us unconsciously reinforce unwanted behaviors, both with our own body language AND our thoughts sending mixed messages. Sometimes having a conversation with our animals is enough to shift their behavior and shift the energy in the home. I've had clients begin to see shifts in their animals almost immediately after our Animal Communication session. I recently did a repeat session with a client and her dog. At a previous session, she had asked me to relay to her dog that she sometimes needs to hurry back to work after she walks him, and if he can try to go to the bathroom quicker and stand around less, that would be really helpful. I relayed it to him, explaining why. The dog put in his explanation for why he has been so slow but showed himself as willing to try. Then the client updated me that her dog has been running along during his walks lately. A client's cats who were not getting along began to show visible efforts towards fixing their relationship after our session. A client's cat who had disappeared for a few days on a walk-about came home again the same night I reached out to him asking him to come home.
Whenever my own two cats have been fighting (due to stress or tension in the house, or redirecting aggression against neighbor cats onto each other), I will take some time to explain to them what the ideal situation would be like in our home, and think through specific scenarios that would be amazing to see again (such as both of them laying on me together), and I direct those thoughts to them. Over the next few days they begin to show improvements between them. They will begin to snuggle together again, and even share my lap again. Of course, like I mentioned, talking to animals isn't always enough to shift a situation like this. Sometimes you have to employ things like play therapy or doing a proper reintroduction between the cats in addition to the communicating, in order to give them a little boost in shifting the negative associations they have with the other cat. You too can talk to your animals in a way that they can understand, without you needing to be an Animal Communicator. Our connection and communication with animals is strongest when it's based on love. If I am working with an animal that isn't mine, I will always start off by feeling and directing my love for animals to them (it helps that I absolutely adore animals in general). With your own animal, conjure up your feelings of love for them. That is the base of your connection. Then we can communicate with them via our thoughts. When I communicate with an animal, I basically direct my thoughts to them, including words, feelings, and pictures in my mind's eye. Talking out loud to animals usually works just fine as well, because when you're talking you are also sending the energy of what you want to communicate, and often pictures and feelings automatically as well. Again, you have to be clear on what you want to communicate, and align it with what you're saying. If you don't want them to do something, you have to focus on what you actually want them to do instead. That way the energy of what you're communicating matches up with the words, the pictures you're sending, and the feelings. If we can do this as intentionally as possible, with as much feeling and clarity as possible, the communication will be a lot clearer for the animal. So if you want to help your enemy cats become friends again, you would sit down and place your awareness on the cats. Then begin to talk out loud or in your mind to them, about how incredibly happy it would make all of you if you all got along, and made an effort to be patient and accepting of one another. You would conjure up an image of them snuggling together and sharing space together again, and direct it to them. You would conjure up a feeling of peace and joy and contentment, and direct that to them as well. If there's a specific spot in the house that one of the cats has been attacking the other, you can imagine what it would ideally look like instead, with the cats being able to walk by each other peacefully and respectfully, and be able to relax and feel safe around each other again. Of course, this is just one small part of my work as an animal communicator. Most of the work for me lies in receiving what the animal wishes to communicate to their human companion. This is something that everyone can do to some extent, but it takes training and a lot of practice to do it in any kind of reliable way. I often think of a session as couple's therapy, where we're working through the misunderstanding that has happened. Giving an animal the opportunity to be heard can be very therapeutic for them (and they're always so grateful to their humans for making the effort to understand them). A session also helps their human companions feel much closer to them. It really is an honor for me to be a part of that process! I am sending you and your animal companions lots of love this week, Thea
10/29/2019 10:01:35 am
I've been wanting to learn how will I communicate with my cat Penny. It's great to learn that an animal communication session is about understanding on why an animal behaves in a certain way. I think it's best if I'll start looking for an animal communicator who can teach me his/her techniques.
Herman Kahan
9/2/2024 06:39:26 pm
When I heard about Dr Kumar, a powerful spell caster who is giving out lottery winning numbers, I was very happy and quickly contacted him for my lottery winning numbers. I was a poor man and I had no money for food and bills and Dr Kumar came through for me and I am now a millionaire. So I contacted the spell caster for the lottery numbers to make me win the lottery. I did all that he told me to do and I sent him the necessary details. After 24hrs, he finished the spell and he asked me if i was ready to win the mega million and i replied yes i'm ready and so he sent me the winning numbers for me to play the Lottery Mega Millions. I was so surprised and shocked when all the numbers struck and I won the Mega Millions. I almost fainted, I have never won so much money in my lifetime before. I am so happy and I want to say Thank you Dr Kumar for changing my life story from poverty to wealth. You can contact Dr Kumar for your lottery numbers on email: [email protected] or WhatsApp +2347051705853. He is the only answer to your chances of winning the lottery, Online tips can't make you win but Dr Kumar lottery winning numbers will make you a Mega Million lottery winner
Cheng Charlie Saephan
10/23/2024 01:38:06 am
My name is Cheng Charlie Saephan I'm here today to share my success story on how Dr Benjamin the lottery spell caster helped me won the lottery, on a fateful evening I was browsing through the internet and I saw a lot of good reviews on how Dr Benjamin had helped alot of people so I decided to reach him for help too, he responded to my mail and he assured me that he will help me win as he has done for many, after he requested for my details he also gave me series of instructs to follow after everything said and done he gave me the Powerball winning numbers he instructed me to write out the numbers from the game (1-69) on a piece of paper and slept with it under his pillow before playing the numbers he gave me so after the result was out I was the only one to match all five numbers and I won the jackpot of 1.3 billion dollars. All thanks to you Dr benjamin for turning my life around for good. I will leave his contact information here for anyone that desire help too. I promise you that I won't sharing your good work in my life. Below is his contact information email [email protected] and Whatsapp number +18588585788
obodubu monday
7/17/2024 07:50:47 pm
Dr. Obodubu Monday is recognised all over the world of marine kingdom, As one of the top fortunate and most powerful spell casters doctor of charms casts from the beginning of his ancestors ship until now Dr. Obodubu Monday lives strong among all other spell casters, there have never been any form of impossibility beyond the control of Dr. Obodubu Monday it doesn’t matter the distance of the person with the problems or situation, all you have to do is believe in the spell casting Dr. Obodubu Monday cast that works, he always warns never to get his charms cast if you do not believe or unable to follow his instruction. it is the assignment of the native doctor Dr. Obodubu Monday to offer services to those in need of spiritual assistance not minding the gravity of your situations or distance as long as water, sea, ocean, lake, river, sand, etc. are near you, then your problems of life would be controlled under your foot. if you need any spiritual help on any of these WhatsApp Doctor Obodubu on : +234 705 993 7909
7/17/2024 07:56:24 pm
Hi guys, i don’t have much to say now now, Than to say thanks to Dr. Monday for rescuing me and my family from poverty, and for getting my husband and my Job back, i love playing lottery , but winning is my biggest problem, Ill never forget the day i come in contact with Dr Monday, whose lottery spell make me a winner, some million Dollars , after giving me a sure winning numbers within 3 days to play,my financial status is settled for good,now i have started to live my dream life after 12 years of playing the lottery A big thanks to Dr Monday, am grateful for all you have done for me and family, he can be reach on Via WhatsApp +234 705 993 7909
Cheng Saephan
8/21/2024 04:58:14 am
Hello everyone, I am really grateful to God for leading my way to meet Doctor Odunga who gave me the winning numbers to the Powerball lottery to win $1.3 Billion Dollars. My name is Cheng Saephan, I am 46 years old and I have been diagnosed with Cancer for over 8 years now. I live in Portland, Oregon. My wife Duanpen has done everything she can to cure me of this illness until a friend of hers Laiza Chao introduced Doctor Odunga to her that he can cure all types of illness. My wife told me about this man and I didn't say much but thank God she did contact him through his email. I quickly learned that this man can also make people win the lottery and I just couldn't resist asking him first to do a lottery spell for me because I have been playing the lottery almost everyday since I can remember. It didn't take time at all when this man gave me the winning numbers for the Powerball and I played it and won the Powerball Jackpot of $1.3 Billion Dollars. This man blessed my family and also cured me of Cancer. Thank You Doctor Odunga. I have testified about your work sir and hope to bring serious ones to you for help too. Contact him at [email protected] and also Whats-app +2348167159012
Cheng Charlie Saephan
10/23/2024 01:39:42 am
My name is Cheng Charlie Saephan I'm here today to share my success story on how Dr Benjamin the lottery spell caster helped me won the lottery, on a fateful evening I was browsing through the internet and I saw a lot of good reviews on how Dr Benjamin had helped alot of people so I decided to reach him for help too, he responded to my mail and he assured me that he will help me win as he has done for many, after he requested for my details he also gave me series of instructs to follow after everything said and done he gave me the Powerball winning numbers he instructed me to write out the numbers from the game (1-69) on a piece of paper and slept with it under his pillow before playing the numbers he gave me so after the result was out I was the only one to match all five numbers and I won the jackpot of 1.3 billion dollars. All thanks to you Dr benjamin for turning my life around for good. I will leave his contact information here for anyone that desire help too. I promise you that I won't sharing your good work in my life. Below is his contact information email [email protected] and Whatsapp number +18588585788
Herman Kahan
9/2/2024 06:39:06 pm
When I heard about Dr Kumar, a powerful spell caster who is giving out lottery winning numbers, I was very happy and quickly contacted him for my lottery winning numbers. I was a poor man and I had no money for food and bills and Dr Kumar came through for me and I am now a millionaire. So I contacted the spell caster for the lottery numbers to make me win the lottery. I did all that he told me to do and I sent him the necessary details. After 24hrs, he finished the spell and he asked me if i was ready to win the mega million and i replied yes i'm ready and so he sent me the winning numbers for me to play the Lottery Mega Millions. I was so surprised and shocked when all the numbers struck and I won the Mega Millions. I almost fainted, I have never won so much money in my lifetime before. I am so happy and I want to say Thank you Dr Kumar for changing my life story from poverty to wealth. You can contact Dr Kumar for your lottery numbers on email: [email protected] or WhatsApp +2347051705853. He is the only answer to your chances of winning the lottery, Online tips can't make you win but Dr Kumar lottery winning numbers will make you a Mega Million lottery winner.
Bryan Robson
9/19/2024 10:46:29 am
i just want to say a big thanks to Dr Oniha for what he has done for me, i contacted him at the point of my needs and he came through for me, he said he was gonna help me and he did, I played lottery for 20 years and couldn’t win a dime, at a point I was disappointed and almost gave up, but then another thought came to my mind why don’t I try a lotto spell since I have already heard about people doing it, and then i decided that i will give it a try, but there was a lot of spell casters online this got me confused that i didn’t know which to pick, I decided to follow my instinct and i picked Dr Oniha i sent him an email and waited for couple of hours no reply, at this point I was already anxious and eager to get a reply from him and then i sent him a test on his WhatsApp and immediately he responded i told him what I wanted and he gave me assurance that i must win after his spell, i did what was asked of me, behold i hit the jackpot. i am so so happy to share this here because i have never seen a miracle like this before, thank you so much Dr Oniha you are a life saver. Anyone out there can also talk to him if you need his assistance too, that is why I'm testifying about his good work so people in need can reach out to him.
10/1/2024 05:31:44 pm
My life has really changed for good. I won (seventy five thousand dollars)Your Lottery spell is so real and pure. Thank you very much for the lottery spell that changed my life "I am totally grateful for the lottery spell you did for me Dr Oniha and I say I will continue to spread your name all over so people can see what kind of man you are. Anyone in need of help can email Dr Oniha for your own lottery lucky winning number,because this is the only secret to winning the lottery.
Bryan Robson
10/2/2024 10:32:03 pm
i just want to say a big thanks to Dr Oniha for what he has done for me, i contacted him at the point of my needs and he came through for me, he said he was gonna help me and he did, I played lottery for 20 years and couldn’t win a dime, at a point I was disappointed and almost gave up, but then another thought came to my mind why don’t I try a lotto spell since I have already heard about people doing it, and then i decided that i will give it a try, but there was a lot of spell casters online this got me confused that i didn’t know which to pick, I decided to follow my instinct and i picked Dr Oniha i sent him an email and waited for couple of hours no reply, at this point I was already anxious and eager to get a reply from him and then i sent him a test on his WhatsApp and immediately he responded i told him what I wanted and he gave me assurance that i must win after his spell, i did what was asked of me, behold i hit the jackpot. i am so so happy to share this here because i have never seen a miracle like this before, thank you so much Dr Oniha you are a life saver. Anyone out there can also talk to him if you need his assistance too, that is why I'm testifying about his good work so people in need can reach out to him.
Cheng Charlie Saephan
10/9/2024 01:03:27 am
My name is Cheng Charlie Saephan I'm here today to share my success story on how Dr Benjamin the lottery spell caster helped me won the lottery, on a fateful evening I was browsing through the internet and I saw a lot of good reviews on how Dr Benjamin had helped alot of people so I decided to reach him for help too, he responded to my mail and he assured me that he will help me win as he has done for many, after he requested for my details he also gave me series of instructs to follow after everything said and done he gave me the Powerball winning numbers he instructed me to write out the numbers from the game (1-69) on a piece of paper and slept with it under his pillow before playing the numbers he gave me so after the result was out I was the only one to match all five numbers and I won the jackpot of 1.3 billion dollars. All thanks to you Dr benjamin for turning my life around for good. I will leave his contact information here for anyone that desire help too. I promise you that I won't sharing your good work in my life. Below is his contact information email [email protected] and Whatsapp number +18588585788
10/10/2024 12:32:15 am
I have never believed in spiritual powers all my life because I grew up in a family surrounded by Atheists, I play the lottery for fun, my parents are wealthy people so I was born into a rich Family. I live in Las Vegas where gambling is on the rise. I play the casino and other games, including the lottery. Sometime last year I met someone who introduced me to a spiritual doc who specialized in helping one win gambles, the first sequence of numbers I was given won me over Two Million Dollars. This man is a witch with gifted powers. contact him Via
Michael J Weirsky
10/11/2024 03:35:40 am
10/13/2024 07:06:46 am
10/13/2024 07:07:03 am
10/13/2024 07:08:29 am
As I was browsing the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Oniha can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships, and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Three days later,my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned to normal. My family is living together happily again. All thanks to Dr Oniha. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his contact address.
Mark Cornell
10/15/2024 01:26:36 am
I was going through a rough time in my life and it greatly affected my union with my wife. We had so many emotional problems and struggles and this alone made us pay less attention to each other's need. While i was on trying to fix my problems and get back on my feet so that i can reshape my marriage and make it work better, my wife had women around her that influenced her wrongly and made her took the wrong part by walking away. That incident alone broke me and i was sure she wasnt doing everything she doing with her right senses. I did what i can to restore peace but it never worked and i had to Contact Dr Isikolo who made it possible for me fix the problem. He worked for me and restored back the love and connection between me and my wife and she returne back home. The result of his work started manifesting just after 48 hours as promised and i can bold say everything is fine between us now and we are both happy together, I am to validate the information out there that Dr Isikolo is a good and honest man that you can trust to help you with your problems. His webpage( and you can as well text him via WhatsApp +234-8133261196.
Arlene Brown
10/26/2024 12:54:15 pm
It gladdens my heart to be out here to say a word of thank you to Dr Isikolo.
Nicholas Mc
11/3/2024 10:06:30 pm
Hello everyone, Am Nicholas Mc i want to use this medium to thank Dr Wealth for changing my life financially, i never believe i will ever win a huge amount of money in mega million, i have been playing Lottery for a very long time now and i only win stipends, one day i was checking something in the internet and i dabble across a testimony by a woman that won through the help of Dr Wealth and she left his contact so i contacted Dr Wealth to also ask for his help and he gave me some little instruction on what i should do which i did without hesitation and the following day he sent me some number and said i should go and play which i immediately went to play on that Tuesday, i didn't actually believe 100% that i was going to win but to my greatest shuck my numbers was the winning numbers that appears on the board i almost fainted i was confused because i have never won that huge amount before as i speak am also counted amongst the people that has won million in lottery all thanks to Dr Wealth i also want you out there to also contact him for help here are his contacts: [email protected] Or Text/WhatsApp him through +1(623)309-2420. Please tell him i referred you, i promised him i will tell the world about him.
Nicholas Mc
11/4/2024 09:33:30 pm
Hello everyone, Am Nicholas Mc i want to use this medium to thank Dr Wealth for changing my life financially, i never believe i will ever win a huge amount of money in mega million, i have been playing Lottery for a very long time now and i only win stipends, one day i was checking something in the internet and i dabble across a testimony by a woman that won through the help of Dr Wealth and she left his contact so i contacted Dr Wealth to also ask for his help and he gave me some little instruction on what i should do which i did without hesitation and the following day he sent me some number and said i should go and play which i immediately went to play on that Tuesday, i didn't actually believe 100% that i was going to win but to my greatest shuck my numbers was the winning numbers that appears on the board i almost fainted i was confused because i have never won that huge amount before as i speak am also counted amongst the people that has won million in lottery all thanks to Dr Wealth i also want you out there to also contact him for help here are his contacts: [email protected] Or Text/WhatsApp him through +1(623)309-2420. Please tell him i referred you, i promised him i will tell the world about him.
Nicholas Mc
11/4/2024 09:37:32 pm
Hello everyone, Am Nicholas Mc i want to use this medium to thank Dr Wealth for changing my life financially, i never believe i will ever win a huge amount of money in mega million, i have been playing Lottery for a very long time now and i only win stipends, one day i was checking something in the internet and i dabble across a testimony by a woman that won through the help of Dr Wealth and she left his contact so i contacted Dr Wealth to also ask for his help and he gave me some little instruction on what i should do which i did without hesitation and the following day he sent me some number and said i should go and play which i immediately went to play on that Tuesday, i didn't actually believe 100% that i was going to win but to my greatest shuck my numbers was the winning numbers that appears on the board i almost fainted i was confused because i have never won that huge amount before as i speak am also counted amongst the people that has won million in lottery all thanks to Dr Wealth i also want you out there to also contact him for help here are his contacts: [email protected] Or Text/WhatsApp him through +1(623)309-2420. Please tell him i referred you, i promised him i will tell the world about him.
Mark Cornell
11/12/2024 12:04:11 pm
I was going through a rough time in my life and it greatly affected my union with my wife. We had so many emotional problems and struggles and this alone made us pay less attention to each other's need. While i was on it trying to fix my problems and get back on my feet so that i can reshape my marriage and make it work better, my wife had women around her that influenced her wrongly and made her took the wrong part by walking away. That incident alone broke me and i was sure she wasn't doing everything she doing with her right senses. I did what i can to restore peace but it never worked and i had to Contact Dr Isikolo who made it possible for me fix the problem. He worked for me and restored back the love and connection between me and my wife and she returned back home. The result of his work started manifesting just after 48 hours as promised and i can bold say everything is fine between us now and we are both happy together, I am here to validate the information out there that Dr Isikolo is a good and honest man that you can trust to help you with your problems. His webpage ( and you can as well text him via WhatsApp +234-8133261196.
Nicholas Mc
11/18/2024 06:08:57 am
Hello everyone, Am Nicholas Mc i want to use this medium to thank Dr Wealth for changing my life financially, i never believe i will ever win a huge amount of money in mega million, i have been playing Lottery for a very long time now and i only win stipends, one day i was checking something in the internet and i dabble across a testimony by a woman that won through the help of Dr Wealth and she left his contact so i contacted Dr Wealth to also ask for his help and he gave me some little instruction on what i should do which i did without hesitation and the following day he sent me some number and said i should go and play which i immediately went to play on that Tuesday, i didn't actually believe 100% that i was going to win but to my greatest shuck my numbers was the winning numbers that appears on the board i almost fainted i was confused because i have never won that huge amount before as i speak am also counted amongst the people that has won million in lottery all thanks to Dr Wealth i also want you out there to also contact him for help here are his contacts: [email protected] Or Text/WhatsApp him through +1(623)309-2420.
Andrew Beckett
11/21/2024 10:45:01 am
I and my wife had a misunderstanding which led to a huge fight and she left home and returned back to her fathers house. I let my emotions got the best of me and stayed permanently away from her. Things grew worse when she started seeing another man and I never knew about it. I tried fixing the problem and getting her to return back home and she never came back. I later found out all that has been going on and decided to seek help to fix my marriage with her which made me contact Dr Isikolo. Just as expected he worked for me and the problem was fixed and I am reunited with my wife. She returned back home just after 48 hours as promised by Dr Isikolo. I am forever indebted to him for fixing the problem I had in my marriage. kindly contact him for fast and urgent Help, call/text him on WhatsApp: +2348133261196 or go through his website
Jay Shelton
11/23/2024 11:34:26 am
DR ISIKOLO cast a lottery spell for me and i won $8.500.000 . Read my review and contact him now for your own lottery winning numbers. It is a very hard situation when playing the lottery and never won, or keep winning low fund not up to 500 bucks, i have been a victim of such a tough life, the biggest fund i have ever won was 350 buck, and i have been playing the lottery for almost 8 years now, things suddenly change the moment i came across a secret online, a testimony of a voodoo doctor who help people in any type of lottery numbers, i was not easily convinced, but i decided to take try, now i am a proud lottery winner with the help of DR ISIKOLO, i won $8.500.000 and i am making this known to every one of you who have been trying all day to win the lottery, believe me this is the only way to win the lottery, this is the real secret we all have been searching for, you can contact Dr Isikolo on his WhatsApp via +234-8133261196
Isla Mila
12/3/2024 03:38:33 am
I Need A Legit Cryptocurrency Recovery Company || Who Is The Best Bitcoin Recovery Expert Is OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS
Kelsey Zachow
12/9/2024 11:50:32 pm
Teddy Marcelino
12/10/2024 11:24:17 am
I almost lost my marriage when I watched my wife turned into a total stranger and left the kids and I. I was so furious knowing I had done everything possible to ensure I sustained my marriage as a father and husband. The terrible fights we had traumatized me and I couldn’t function properly as a man. I kept on trying to find out what made her did what she did which made me contacted Dr Isikolo. I was surprised to have found out that she was under a huge manipulation from a man who wanted to ruin my marriage with her and take her away from me. Dr Isikolo had to intervene and fixed the problem thereby ensuring she was rescued from the claws of the dark magic charm they used on her. Knowing that I was able to get my family together again with the help of Dr Isikolo gives me joy and I am forever thankful to him. text him on WhatsApp +2348133261196 or visit his webpage:
Aliyah Dawson
12/17/2024 11:36:14 am
I have had my fair share of emotional traumas and failed relationships. There is nothing more to life than staying hopeful even when we expect the worse. I was lucky once more when i met my fiancé and he was all that i ever wanted in a man. I was always treated right by him and i had always believed we are ending up together. Unknown to me that devil had struck even before my wishes came through. He was taken from me by another bitch and it was hell for me knowing he had left me. I was so sure that he didn't do so with his clear mind because everything seems award when it occurred. So i had to look for help and I found dr isikolo who revealed to me that my man was hypnotized with charms by the said lady. He worked for me and got my man back to me and now we are back again. I cant be thankful enough knowing everything Dr isikolo promised was fulfilled and knowing the result of his works manifests after 48 hours. No lies about all you will ever hear about him and what he does. Contact him now if need be and be fully assured he wont fail you. Text him on WhatsApp via +2348133261196 or visit his webpage (
Michael J Weirsky
12/17/2024 07:57:43 pm
Mark Cornell
12/19/2024 11:42:09 am
I was going through a rough time in my life and it greatly affected my union with my wife. We had so many emotional problems and struggles and this alone made us pay less attention to each other's need. While i was on it trying to fix my problems and get back on my feet so that i can reshape my marriage and make it work better, my wife had women around her that influenced her wrongly and made her took the wrong part by walking away. That incident alone broke me and i was sure she wasnt doing everything she doing with her right senses. I did what i can to restore peace but it never worked and i had to Contact Dr Isikolo who made it possible for me fix the problem. He worked for me and restored back the love and connection between me and my wife and she returne back home. The result of his work started manifesting just after 48 hours as promised and i can bold say everything is fine between us now and we are both happy together, I am here to validate the information out there that Dr Isikolo is a good and honest man that you can trust to help you with your problems. His webpage( and you can as well text him via WhatsApp +234-8133261196.
12/30/2024 01:52:43 am
Garen Downie
1/7/2025 04:51:37 pm
FOR YEARS, I DREAMED OF WINNING THE LOTTERY AND BECOMING RICH BUT HAD NO LUCK. After researching online, I found numerous testimonies praising Lord Bubuza for helping people win through his lottery spell. Immediately, I decided to give it a try. I contacted Lord Bubuza via WhatsApp: +1 716 209 7880, followed his instructions, and provided the necessary requirements. After casting the spell, he gave me the winning numbers. To my amazement, I won $2 million from a “Lifetime Millions” scratch ticket with the numbers he provided! My name is Garen Downie from Hyannis; I work on Nantucket and buy tickets on the island. Lord Bubuza is truly incredible. If you’re seeking help, reach out to him via WhatsApp: (+1 716 209 7880) or email: [email protected]. He can make your dreams come true too!
1/27/2025 03:28:20 pm
I can’t express how grateful I am to Dr. PRINCE for helping me to win $350,000.00 USD in mega lottery. I’m Alfred Brooks from Pennsylvania, USA. I love to play lottery but I have never won but I believed that I will win a huge amount of money in lottery someday, when I search on how to win a lottery I came across Dr. PRINCE email via [email protected] when someone was testifying on how Dr. PRINCE helped him to win a lottery and I email him and told him that I need lotto numbers after sometime he send me the lotto numbers after playing it, I won and was still hoping to win another huge amount, so I tried again and again and I finally won $350,000.00 USD thanks to Dr. PRINCE. If you need lotteries numbers or want money solution and become RICH just visit Dr. PRINCE at [email protected] or WhatsApp via: +254795696876
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Thea Strom
Welcome! I am a 30-something Medium and Animal Communicator. I am originally from Norway, but am currently living in Oregon, USA. This blog is to give you some insight into my life and work, as well as share tips, and some of my photography. Enjoy! Archives
December 2023