Schedule a rush appointment
Animal Communication is connecting to your living &/or passed animals.
A half-hour is best as a brief check-in with one animal.
An hour is good for connecting briefly with 2-4 animals, or more in-depth with 1 animal.
A half-hour is best as a brief check-in with one animal.
An hour is good for connecting briefly with 2-4 animals, or more in-depth with 1 animal.
Receive intuitive guidance &/or connecting to passed loved ones.
Mixed appointments are mixed animal communication sessions and intuitive/mediumship sessions.
(Please note: For animal communication, a half-hour is best as a brief check-in with one animal.
An hour is good for connecting briefly with 2-4 animals, or more in-depth with 1 animal.
Please consider this when choosing a mixed appointment. If you wish to connect to more than 1 animal, it might be best to schedule a session that focuses just on the animals, instead of a mixed session)
(Please note: For animal communication, a half-hour is best as a brief check-in with one animal.
An hour is good for connecting briefly with 2-4 animals, or more in-depth with 1 animal.
Please consider this when choosing a mixed appointment. If you wish to connect to more than 1 animal, it might be best to schedule a session that focuses just on the animals, instead of a mixed session)