Online Classes & Mentoring
Develop your Intuitionfor daily life
Over the course of 3 modules, you'll learn to work with your own intuition in a variety of ways, and gain confidence so that you can use your intuition to guide you in your daily life
Available NOW!
In-depth psychic reading course
Learn to do life-readings, also known as psychic readings. This is an in-depth 4-week course, teaching you the ins and outs of doing a psychic reading and providing confirmation, clarity, and guidance.
Next course start date: February 18th, 2024
Divination tools
Beginners Workshop series
This is a series of 3 online workshops, to develop the ability to do psychic readings for others, using a variety of divination tools.
Next course start date: TBD
Animal Communication
Beginner's course
Animal Communication
Intermediate course
This is a 2-day online course focused on intermediate topics within animal communication, such as connecting to passed animals, and other special topics.
Next course start date: April 28th, 2024
Beginners 1-1 mentoring
This is a 3-month in-depth 1-1 mentoring option, for those who want to develop their abilities within psychic readings, animal communication, or mediumship readings.
MentoringAdvanced 1-1 mentoring
This is a 3-month in-depth 1-1 mentoring option, for those who have already learned to do readings, but want extra guidance and push to reach the next level.
Animal Communication