Animal Mediumship course
Module 3
Welcome to your third module in my online Animal Mediumship Course.
Below you will find all the materials for module 3!
I recommend that you go through the materials in the order they are posted here on this page (starting from the top).
Below you will find all the materials for module 3!
I recommend that you go through the materials in the order they are posted here on this page (starting from the top).
Part 3.1 When others Join in
How to handle a session where other spirits (human or animal souls) want to join in
Part 3.2 Evidence after passing
The topics that animals will bring up to show that they are still connected to their humans, and why these are important.
Also, talking about reincarnation.
Also, talking about reincarnation.
AC exercise: Ceili (pronounced Kaylee)
Ceili was not one of my own companions, but she did belong to someone I know, and I did get to meet her several times. Ceili is happy to help you develop and improve your abilities to talk to animals on the other side.
In this module, I won't have a recording guiding you through your connection. Instead, try looking at the written prompts before connecting, start your connection like you normally do, and then go with whatever the spirit wants to show you. You can then take a peak at the prompts if you need a reminder, and ask about those things if the spirit didn't show you those things already.
I am adding a photo of her here below, so you have something to help set your intention for who you want to connect to.
When you are done, record your answers in the form below.
Some things for you to ask Ceili to share with you:
Her interests and likes
She was part of a dressage school before passing. How did she feel about her role as a teacher there?
What can she show you about her passing? Remember, baby steps and nuance, and include anything and everything that comes through. Try to let Ceili explain the full picture, and try to not jump to conclusions on the first piece of information.
Anything else she wants to share about herself?
Please note: This exercise is not about being wrong or right, it is an exercise in connecting to spirit, and about noticing what is coming through your intuitive senses, from spirit. Stay true to your connection, use it as a learning opportunity, and don't make your connection mean anything about you (don't tie up your own worth with how good or bad you do).
Remember to have fun!
In this module, I won't have a recording guiding you through your connection. Instead, try looking at the written prompts before connecting, start your connection like you normally do, and then go with whatever the spirit wants to show you. You can then take a peak at the prompts if you need a reminder, and ask about those things if the spirit didn't show you those things already.
I am adding a photo of her here below, so you have something to help set your intention for who you want to connect to.
When you are done, record your answers in the form below.
Some things for you to ask Ceili to share with you:
Her interests and likes
She was part of a dressage school before passing. How did she feel about her role as a teacher there?
What can she show you about her passing? Remember, baby steps and nuance, and include anything and everything that comes through. Try to let Ceili explain the full picture, and try to not jump to conclusions on the first piece of information.
Anything else she wants to share about herself?
Please note: This exercise is not about being wrong or right, it is an exercise in connecting to spirit, and about noticing what is coming through your intuitive senses, from spirit. Stay true to your connection, use it as a learning opportunity, and don't make your connection mean anything about you (don't tie up your own worth with how good or bad you do).
Remember to have fun!
AC Exercise: SAMMi
Sammi was not one of my own companions, but he did belong to someone I know, and I did get to meet him several times. Sammi is happy to help you develop and improve your abilities to talk to animals on the other side.
These are some things you can ask Sammi to share with you:
His interests and likes
What was his relationship like with his human?
How did he feel about the other animals in the house? How did he feel about other animals in general?
What can he show you about his own passing? Remember, baby steps and nuance, and include anything and everything that comes through. Try to let Sammi explain the full picture, and try to not jump to conclusions on the first piece of information.
Anything else he wants to share about himself?
What is he up to on the other side? Who is he with there?
Does he have any messages for his human?
Please note: This exercise is not about being wrong or right, it is an exercise in connecting to spirit, and about noticing what is coming through your intuitive senses, from spirit. Stay true to your connection, use it as a learning opportunity, and don't make your connection mean anything about you (don't tie up your own worth with how good or bad you do).
Remember to have fun!
These are some things you can ask Sammi to share with you:
His interests and likes
What was his relationship like with his human?
How did he feel about the other animals in the house? How did he feel about other animals in general?
What can he show you about his own passing? Remember, baby steps and nuance, and include anything and everything that comes through. Try to let Sammi explain the full picture, and try to not jump to conclusions on the first piece of information.
Anything else he wants to share about himself?
What is he up to on the other side? Who is he with there?
Does he have any messages for his human?
Please note: This exercise is not about being wrong or right, it is an exercise in connecting to spirit, and about noticing what is coming through your intuitive senses, from spirit. Stay true to your connection, use it as a learning opportunity, and don't make your connection mean anything about you (don't tie up your own worth with how good or bad you do).
Remember to have fun!
Share in our FB group!
Share your experience of doing these exercises this week
Ask any questions you have that came up for you this week
Our next and last live class is on November 22nd!